Cisco Connected Justice™ is a platform Initiative that brings the power of Cisco Webex and its Partner Integration Developers together, to offer quality and dependable solutions to correction agencies on a global level. LiteScape Technologies has developed an on-site, non-physical visitation solution using cisco webex and cisco video units. Leading with security and dependability, this solution is now available.
There are many problems faced in corrections regarding video calls, including how to regulate the calls and assuring the right person is on the call. On-site video calls without physical contact can not only be made at your facility, but they can also be connected remotely at locations that you deem to be trusted partners of your agency, including libraries, non-profit and community centers etc.
LiteScape’s solution gives the corrections visitation officer an easy interface to set up calls on demand at the facility, or from one of the trusted sites and has the rights to record and monitor any legally recordable call, as well as assure that attorney calls are non-recorded.